
Cloud hosted server fully encrypted and encrypted communication

Locally Encrypted server with Encrypted Communication

Locally Encrypted server with your own APN and fully federated learning lot EDGE devices

Our services are trusted by intelligence services

About Us

Your Security is Our Priority

We believe law enforcement should have the most cutting-edge technology available to investigate crimes, enhance public safety, and provide justice to victims.

And that’s why we developed a revolutionary, web-based intelligence platform for law enforcement to use as a tool to help generate high-quality investigative leads. Our platform, powered by facial recognition technology, includes the largest known database of 10+ billion facial images sourced from public-only web sources, including news media, mugshot websites, public social media, and other open sources.

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We Serve You While You Sleep

Use AI technology to create a society where people, regardless of language have a secure life.

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AI Security Service

Our solutions allow agencies to gain intelligence and disrupt crime by revealing leads, insights, and relationships to help investigators solve both simple and complex crimes, increase officer and public safety, and keep our communities and families safer.

Increase mental health in society and individuals, regardless of language and background, to provide a safer and sustainable life with the highest integrity through openness and AI technology.